Slot Machines and Dioramas

Allwin “The Little Mickey” coin-operated steel ball amusement arcade machine, B.M. Co.

The seven “end-of-the-pier” slot machines dotted around the museum are from the collection of John Hayward (who founded the Museum of Penny Slot Machines), and have all been updated to take modern ten pence pieces.

The collection includes an original “Mutoscope” flip-card player, and a 1930s “Drunkard’s Dream” animatronic diorama.

Change for the machines is available from the counter.

Britains Floral Garden display (2021)

Where practical, construction toys have “built” examples, and “cumulative” toy ranges are arranged into dioramas. Demonstrating the possibilities and play potential of some of these systems can make them “come alive” to a modern audience.