Zulu goods train set (Hornby gauge 0)

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Star Exhibit

Zulu goods train set (Hornby gauge 0)

Zulu locomotive and tender, 1920s, detail.jpg Zulu Goods Train Set, detail (i)

BTMM map 037.gif
Arch Four , Area 37
The Adventures of Paddington (display)
Shelf 1

A Hornby gauge 0 "Zulu" clockwork goods train set, with glossy black 0-4-0 locomotive marked "Zulu" and tender, and grey LNW wagon, displayed on a section of curved track.

A self-contained boxed set consisting of a locomotive, rolling stock and track, it's been argued that the "Zulu" represents the first "proper", conventional, modern, non-constructional train set that the company produced. The Museum's example is in factory-fresh pristine condition, complete with its original box and leaflet.

Meccano Ltd., "Zulu" loco and tender

Original catalogue description

Zulu Goods Train Set (1924 image)
Fine and durable mechanism and strength of construction in all parts are the main characteristics of this new type of clockwork train. Zulu trains are well designed and efficient, and will give long and excellent service. Richly enamelled and highly finished; fitted with brake and governor; non-reversing.
Each set contains Loco, Tender, two Passenger Coaches and rails to form 2-ft. diameter circle, and two straights.
Gauge 0, in colours to represent the L.M.S. Or L.N.E.R. Companies' rolling stock.
Packed in a strong cardboard box . . . . . Price 22/6
The Goods Set is the same as the Passenger Set, but contains one Wagon in place of Passenger Coaches.
Packed in a strong cardboard box . . . . . Price 17/6

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