Category:Walled Gardens

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  Brighton Parks and Gardens  50.842051 , -0.150511 coordinates: 50.842051 , -0.150511

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The Preston Park Walled Garden (or Preston Manor Garden) was not part of the original design for Preston Park, and remained a private garden owned by Preston Manor until the manor itself was also taken over by the council.

The Walled Garden is now effectively part of the Park (it's directly adjacent to the park, and one can walk directly from one to the other), but also retains its identity as part of the Manor grounds.


The flint garden walls date back to the Eighteenth Century, and are Grade II listed. The walls also incorporate a Sixteenth-Century archway that was originally part of the Manor building, but was removed during a remodelling of the Manor in the C18th, and recycled as a garden wall arch.

The garden was beautifully restored in the 1990s, thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The sundial that appears in older pictures is no longer present, apparently because of "security" (perhaps it was reckoned that the risk of it being stolen was too high).

Information board text:

Walled Garden

The Edwardian style Walled Garden reopened to the public in 2001 after restoration funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Grade II listed garden was originally part of the Manor gardens before becoming part of the Park. Work has included the re-laying of paths, replacing the lily pond, erecting a metal arch and reintroducing early varieties of period plants.

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Media in category ‘Walled Gardens’

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