Amelia Earhart

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Woman Ocean Flyer Spending Week-End Taking Needed Rest.

LONDON, May 28.—(UP)—- Amelia Earhart Putnam, conqueror of the Atlantic, dedicated the week-end to catching up with her sleep after a strenuous week during which she has been feted and accorded honors equaled only by those paid to Colonel Charles A, Lindbergh after his flight to Paris.

Miss Earhart, after a morning of shopping, flew from Heston airdrome to Brooklands to attend the civil air display. She was piloted by H. Gordon Selfridge Jr., son of the department store owner.

Arriving at Heston in a drizzling rain, she was escorted under Selfridge’s umbrella to the lounge, where she was guest at an informal luncheon of airplane enthusiasts, including Squadron Leader A. H. Orlebar, commander of the victorious English Schneider Cup team in 1929, and Mrs. Orlebar.

Miss Earhart emerged from the dining room playing delightfully with a mechanical doll presented by one of the guests, which she wound up and put through its tricks.

She and Selfridge left for Brooklands in a sky-blue, white-lined Puss Moth plane, piloted by Selfridge, Neither wore flying togs, Miss Earhart being dressed in a blue coat and black straw cloche hat and wearing a bunch of tiger lilies.

They were cheered lustily on their arrival at Brooklands, where they landed unostentatiously in front of the control tower. Miss Farhart occupied the back seat during the 10-minute flight from Heston and commented laughingly that she did some "back-seat piloting."

She was bothered with a slight sore throat and watched the aerial display from the glass-inclosed control tower. Before leaving she was made an honorary member of the Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators of the British Empire.

Miss Earhart accepted an invitation of the aircraft manufacturer, Charles R. Fairey, to go on his yacht Thursday evening to Cherbourg, where she will meet her husband on his arrival from New York aboard the S. S. Olympic.

— , U.P., , Sunday 29th May 1932