Donations and Legacies

There are several ways to donate to the museum, to help safeguard our heritage for present and future generations:

“Collectors’ Market” items

Items can be donated to the museum to be sold through the Collectors’ Market. This helps to raise raises funds for the museum’s continued operation and ensures that the items go to a good home. 

“Collection” items

Items in excellent condition that meet the museum’s strict date and subject range criteria (and which fill gaps in the existing collections) may be donated to the  Collections Trust; These will be catalogued and added to our inventory, improving an already superb historical archive of toys and models.


The simplest way to help us is to donate money using the ‘Donate’ button below, via our Paypal donations page.


We are also able to accept donations by cheque through the post or in cash if you are able to come into the museum itself.

GIFT AID. If you are a UK taxpayer you can Gift Aid your donation which means we are able to claim some money back from HMRC. This happens automatically if you donate through PayPal but otherwise all you need to do is give us your Name, Postcode and House Number.


Leaving a legacy to the museum, and/or to the Littledale Brough Trust (Collections Trust) is a great way to help secure the museum’s future. Your contribution, no matter what size, can be used to help fund the running of the museum, to acquire new items for the collections, to fund restoration projects or to help fund and improve our education programme. The Museum’s registered charity status means that bequests to us are not subject to Inheritance Tax. 


You can reduce the inheritance tax burden on your family or beneficiaries from 40% down to 36% if you leave 10% of the value of your estate to a Registered Charity such as BRIGHTON TOY AND MODEL MUSEUM (1001560) – if you would like to help us to continue being able to preserve and exhibit our collection for the benefit of future generations, please give our Museum your kind consideration.

BTMM organisation document (.pdf)