Furniture Container, LMS K61 (Hornby Series)

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Promotional text

" The L.M.S.R is represented by a Furniture Container "K61". The finish of this reproduces the timber construction with vertical boarding of the real thing. all the details of the original are shown. The ironwork, such as the strapping on the sides and the door hinges on the rear end, is in black, and all lettering is in yellow, giving a very smart effect on a background of familiar Midland red.
... on the Hornby L.M.S.R Container the words "Furniture Removal Service", and other phrases amplifying them, are prominent in addition to the initials of the owning company. This container is distinguished also by carrying the L.M.S.R. Coat-of-Arms on each side. "

"Containers for Hornby Railways", Meccano Magazine September 1936